Our vision:

A future free
from traumatic
brain injuries.



The research and development of Propretec began more than a decade ago and resulted in a material that we believe could be the beginning of a paradigm shift when it comes to preventing traumatic brain injuries.

Propretec’s focus is to develop innovative products that prevent and protect people against traumatic brain injuries. Our material is the first to have proven protection for the brain proteins from breaking down in the event of an impact. Since the technology is applicable to almost anything, the possibilities are endless. We are truly convinced that we have a strong potential to achieve our vision. 

Some of the applications for Propretec’s technology have been patent approved in Sweden and are patent pending internationally, while other innovations are being prepared for patent applications.



Hans von Holst has the unique background of being a senior consultant in clinical neurosurgery at Karolinska University Hospital, combined with a clinical professorship at Karolinska Institutet and professor at the prestigious technical university at KTH – Royal Institute of Technology.

In addition, he is the founder of two companies currently on the Swedish stock exchange – MIPS and Bioservo. He is also the creator of several patents, some of which are used today by Volvo, Mips, and Bioservo among others; he has been awarded the Christoffer Polhem Prize 2019 for the MIPS innovation, and awarded the NASA Innovation Prize 2020 for the Bioservo Glove innovation.

Hans has dedicated his life to better understanding and explaining why traumatic brain injuries occur, how they can be prevented, and what’s best practical care. A result of this devotion is his latest innovation – Propretec.


Propretec will bring knowledge and injury prevention innovations.

Today, this focus is on the sports industry and the elderly. And in the long run, this technology is for the general population. We want as many as possible to live an active and sustainable life.


We believe that every team should do what they do best. Through the R&D of Propretec, the ambition is to become a strong ingredient brand for major, market-leading brands that today focus on promoting injury prevention or would benefit from adding it to their value proposition.